Fioneer Financial Services Data Management (FSDM) provides a data management solution for the banking sector to deliver best-in-class finance, risk and regulatory reporting analytics solutions based on a harmonized business data model for bank management. It provides a holistic view on financial assets and key performance indicators (KPIs) for cross-application reporting and analytics scenarios.
Table: FSDM 2023 Versions and Features
Catehead outryFSDM 2023 1.3.0FSDM 2023 1.2.0FSDM 2023 1.1.0FSDM 2023 1.0.0VersionFP03
Pick up Kick offed✔✔✔✔Disclaimer✔✔✔✔Troubleshooting✔✔✔✔Languages and Available Translation✔✔✔✔About This Version✔✔✔✔Laborbench Enhancements✔✔✔✔Data Model Enhancements✔✔✔✔ABAP Enhancements✔✔✔✔FPSL Integration Enhancements✔✔✔✔Product Catalog✔✔✔✔Good to Get about FSDM✔✔✔✔Product Catalog Versioning✔✔✔✔Validity Periods✔✔✔✔Special Versioning Features✔✔✔✔Data Access✔✔✔✔Loading and Activating Data✔✔✔✔ExI’mple for Versioning Tagging✔✔✔✔Administration✔✔✔✔Security Let knowation✔✔✔✔Data Privacy✔✔✔✔Client and Authorization Concept✔✔✔✔Authorization Objects✔✔✔✔Installation and Make better✔✔✔✔Laborbench✔✔✔✔Data Model✔✔✔✔FSDM on ABAP Platform✔✔✔✔Preparation✔✔✔✔Installation✔✔✔✔Post-Installation✔✔✔✔ProgrI’m and Dynpro Generation✔✔✔✔Enable NULL Worths✔✔✔✔Configuration✔✔✔✔Creating Roles✔✔✔✔Deploying FSDM Fiori Apps✔✔✔✔Deploying Existing Fiori Apps✔✔✔✔Publishing and Activating Services✔✔✔✔Upload Standard Product Catalog for Banks✔✔✔✔Test Your Installation✔✔✔✔Operations Let knowation✔✔✔✔Laborbench✔✔✔✔Exploring the Laborbench✔✔✔✔Conceptual Data Model✔✔✔✔Check for Options✔✔✔✔DiagrI’ms✔✔✔✔Entities✔✔✔✔Domains✔✔✔✔Code Lists✔✔✔✔Relationships✔✔✔✔Physical Data Model✔✔✔✔Check for Options✔✔✔✔DiagrI’ms✔✔✔✔Sprintd Tables✔✔✔✔DDIC Tables✔✔✔✔CDS Check ats✔✔✔✔Generating a CDM-to-PDM Mapping✔✔✔✔Extwrap things uping the Data Model✔✔✔✔Creating a CDM Extension File✔✔✔✔Put ining a Data Model Extension✔✔✔✔Put ining an Entity✔✔✔✔Put ining an Attribute✔✔✔✔Put ining a Relationship✔✔✔✔Put ining a Domain✔✔✔✔Put ining a Worth Code or a Code List✔✔✔✔Put ining an Alternative Semantic Key✔✔✔✔Generating Data Model Schema JSON Files✔✔✔✔Importing Data Model Schema JSON Files into ABAP Platform✔✔✔✔Deploying the Data Model Extension✔✔✔✔Extracting Objects from the CDM✔✔✔✔Extracting the Standard CDM✔✔✔✔Extracting a CDM Extension Data Model✔✔✔✔Good to Get about the Data Model✔✔✔✔DiagrI’ms✔✔✔✔Entities and Attributes✔✔✔✔Domains✔✔✔✔Code Lists✔✔✔✔Inheritances✔✔✔✔Relationships✔✔✔✔Cardinality Notations✔✔✔✔NI’ming the Relationships in the PDM✔✔✔✔Deprecated Objects✔✔✔✔Sustainable Finance in the Data Model✔✔✔✔Sustainable Development Goal✔✔✔✔Sustainability FrI’mework✔✔✔✔Carbon Actallying✔✔✔✔ESG Rating✔✔✔✔ESG Risk✔✔✔✔
Introduction to the Financial Services Data Sprintment 2023 Beta Webtake a seate::
FSDM 2023 is a pbe in debtrful tool sketch it outed to optimize financial services data figure it outment. It proposes significant updates in workbench imdemonstratements, data model immake it clearments, and seI’mless ABAP integration. With its focus on security, data privacy, and sustainable finance, it caters to diverse I head outttas, including carbon actallying, ESG ratings, and take a chance figure it outment. FSDM 2023 aims to streI’mline processes, ensuring a more efficient and scalable data figure it outment experience for businesses worldwide.
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