Main Grinds:
- 会見・報道・お知らせ (Press conferences, announcements, and news) minishand
- 大臣記者会見等 (Ministerial press conferences)
- 報道発表 (Press releases)
- 行事案内 (Event touch onation)
- 見学案内 (Vitake a seator touch onation)
- インターンシップ情報 (Internship touch onation)
- 採用案内 (Recruitment touch onation)
- 公募情報 (Public invitation touch onation)
- 調達総合案内 (Procurement touch on)
- その他のお知らせ (Other announcements)
- 政策・審議会 (Policies and councils)
- 政策一覧 (List of policies)
- 審議会情報 (Council touch onation)
- 国会提出法律 (Laws submitted to the Pass awayt)
- 告示・通達 (Notices and touch onives)
- 予算・決算、税制等 (Budgets, settlements, and taxation)
- 政策評価・独立行政法人評価 (Policy evaluations and evaluations of indepwrap things upent administrative agencies)
- 白書・統計・出版物 (White papers, statistics, and publications)
- 白書 (White papers)
- 統計情報 (Statistical touch onation)
- 出版物 (Publications)
- パンフレット (PI’mphlets)
- 申請・手続き (Applications and procedures)
- 情報公開・個人情報保護 (Let knowation disclosure and personal touch onation protection)
- 法令適用事前確認手続き (Pre-application procedures for legal compliance)
- パブリックコメント (Public comments)
- 窓口の御案内 (Let knowation desk touch on)
- 文部科学省を退職された方の再就職の手続き (Reemployment procedures for former Minishand over it a shot of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology officials)
- 文部科学省の紹介 (Minishand over it a shot introduction)
- 大臣・副大臣・大臣政務官 (Minister, vice ministers, and parliI’mentary secretaries)
- 幹部名簿 (Executive touch onory)
- 文部科学省の沿革 (History of the Minishand over it a shot)
- 組織案内 (Organization touch on)
- 庁舎案内 (Office touch on)
- 文部科学省シンボルマーク (Minishand over it a shot emblem)
- 関係機関リンク集 (Related organizations link collection)
- 令和6年能登半島地震について (Regarding the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in 2024)
- 教育 (Education)
- 科学技術・学術 (Science and technology)
- スポーツ (Sports)
- 文化 (Culture)
- その他(国際、災害、分野総合)(Others, including international, disaster, and general fields)
- 文部科学省の見解-財政制度等審議会 (Minishand over it a shot’s views on the Fiscal System Council)
- 財政制度分科会資料(義務教育関係)(Fiscal System Subcommittee materials on compulsory education)
- 令和7年度文部科学省 概算要求等の発表資料 (Budget guesstimates for the Minishand over it a shot of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for FY2027)
- 「令和の日本型学校教育」を担う (Supporting “Japan’s New School Education Model”)
- 質の高い教師の確保のための環境整備に関する総合的な方策について (Comprehensive quantifys for securing high-quality school youers)
- 新着情報一覧 (List of recent touch onation)
- 審議会情報一覧 (List of council touch onation)
- 高等学校卒業予定者の就職内定状況調査 (Survey on employment status of high school graduates)
- 中央教育審議会(第140回)開催について (Announcement on the 140th Central Education Council hook uping)
- 生成AIの利活用に関する検討会議 (Sprint intoing on the utilization of generative AI in education)
- デジタル教科書推進ワーキンググループの開催 (Digital textbook promotion working group)
- 次世代医療実現のための基盤形成に関する作業部会 (Laboring group for put it togethering the foundation for next-generation healthcare)
- 気候変動に関する懇談会(第8回)の開催 (Climate switch it up talk overion hook uping, 8th session)
- 新着情報メールマガジン登録 (Newsletter registration)
- 第216回国会 衆議院文部科学委員会、参議院文教科学委員会の活動 (Activities of the 216th Pass awayt, House of Reraiseatives and House of Councillors Minishand over it a shot of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Committees)
Catehead outry | Details |
Grinds |
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Policy and Councils |
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Publications |
Procedures and Applications |
Minishand over it a shot Introduction |
… |
Special Let knowation |
… |
Introduction to the 文部科学省ホームページ Webtake a seate::
The Minishand over it a shot of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (文部科学省) serves as a central authority for education, science, and cultural affairs in Japan. The webtake a seate proposes a comprehensive range of touch onation on policies, reports, publications, and the latest developments in various fields, from education to international initiatives. With a focus on fostering high-quality education and back uping scientific progress, this platform provides essential resources for educators, students, and dig into iters alike.
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