NetEase shooter game "Hyper Front" overseas test! Foreigner roast: Plagiarism again?
Hyper Front - iOS Beta | FPS Gameplay (Android/IOS)
Hyper Front

An ultimate free-to-play FPS mobile game, made for tactical shooter fans.
[Hyper Front] isa 5v5 competitive first-person shooter game set in a near-future sci-fi world.
This is a free FPS mobile game specially designed for shooting fans.
"Hyper Front" is a 5v5 first-person competitive shooting game. The story of the game takes place in a near-future science fiction world

Foreign Netizen Comments: Net Literature World Translator: Perter.Zhu
Nazareno Bailey
So a downgraded version of apex legends.
So, this is the castrated version of "Apex Legends".
No bro this is valorant clone not apex clone Lol andsince valorant isn't out for mobile yet it makes sense.
No bro, this is clearly a castrated version of Valorant, not Apex Legends, lol.Because "Fearless Covenant" does not have a mobile phone terminal, it makes sense to plagiarize it.
Where do you get apex legends out of this lol
Where did you know that this is "Apex Legends".Haha
judgment cut
But this game got banned how can it stillbe in ios?
Isn't this game banned?How can I still play on IOS?
That's also my question.
p>This is my question too.
Darius Maranan
They got a new update which is they fixes somebugs and more. The question is how did hyper front still in play store if it get banned? Well they made a new hyper front update ( 1.3.1 ) and uploaded it to play store with they're new account ( NTES GAMES)
They updated a big version and fixed a lot of bugs.If it is banned, why does the Apple Store still exist?Could it be that the newer ( 1.3.1 ) version was re-uploaded.
Did we play this game also in android?
Did we play this game also in android?
Can Android phones play it?
NotAF Riot: This is my game!
NetEase: No!this is OUR game!
Fist: This is my game!
NetEase: No!This is our game!
NetEase: in terms on copying, I'm the master.
Netease: In terms of plagiarism, everyone here is a younger brother.
Wæ Hæ NetEase: "Riot!"
Riot: "Sup net?"
NetEase: "Can i copy your homework"
Riot: "Sure, just don't make it obvious"
Netease: "Fist!"
Fist: "What happened to my friend?"
NetEase: "Can I copy?"
Fist: "Of course, but don't be so obvious."
MetaHeesH YT
The HUD and UI is very netease jesus
This skin-changing UI is very NetEase-like.
Sali Is that a good thing??
Is this not a good thing?
@Annual Sali Yeah. It gets so boring of havingthat same ui style.
Yes, the same UI can only make people sick.
Gosuko Kizaru
Moonton: finally a worthy opponent.
Shanghai Mutong Technology: finally came a competent opponent.
Johnny Lattarulo
At least Moonton copied very few games. Instead NetEasecopied a lot of games, unlike Moonton...
Mu Tong plagiarized a lot.On the contrary, NetEase copied many games.
Diane Alcantara
Moonton and Netease they should work together for copying othergames.
Mutong and Netease should cooperate in plagiarism.
NetEase trying not to copy another pc game: spongebob tryingnot to sing goofy goober.
NetEase does not plagiarize, just like SpongeBob SquarePants does not sing "goofy goober".
Ahhmm looks eerily similar.. just like that popular fpspc game made by riot.. i forgot the name.. ahhmm.. for sure, it isn't Hyper Front.
Well, it looks a lot like a PC shooter made by RiotThe game is the same.I forgot the name.Of course, it's definitely not called Hyper Front.
They freakin beat apex legends mobile on official release wth.
They will beat "apex hero" in the public beta.
Yeah because apexm hasn'teven been officially released yet.
Yes, although the "apex" mobile terminal has not yet been released.
Aarushi Patil
I know the game is complete copy of valorant butits worth playing
I know this game is a remake of Valorant but it's worth playing.
Play real valorant, this game is plagiarized valorant.
Go and play the genuine version of "Fearless Contract".This game is plagiarized.
RaizenRitz TV
NetEase Games The king of New Games!
Netease is the best new game king!
Johnny Lattarulo
Yea. The king of copying their games you mean.
Yes, the king of the best plagiarized new games.
Have a nice weekend everyone.To tell you the truth, it's cold now, and I feel like another world as
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