App Picks Games Strategy 神雕侠侣 2023-03-09
神雕侠侣 神雕侠侣


  • Category:Strategy
  • Size:541.5 MB
  • Version:3.0.1
  • Views:0
Game Introduction

The new version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is here! 1. The new system "Wuti Cui Zhen" is online! 2. Novel matchplay in the Yunxiu Villa! 3. The new dungeon "Feixue Guqiao" is open!

神雕侠侣全新版本来袭! 1、新系统武体淬真上线! 2、云秀山庄新玩法登场! 3、福地洞天新副本-飞雪孤桥开启!勤功修武体,淬真筑强身!金庸正版《神雕侠侣》手游新资料片“武体淬真”开启! 全新内容 --武体淬真-- 金石淬真我,三元乘玉虚,新系统武体淬真上线! --云秀山庄-- 云隐唤鹿鸣,日升渡飞檐,云秀山庄新玩法登场! --飞雪孤桥-- 凛风挟飞雪,悬桥隐宝藏,福地洞天新副本-飞雪孤桥开启! 完美世界倾情打造经典回合制RPG手游! 金庸独家授权,纯正武侠题材,精致游戏画面,配音身临其境,原著剧情改编,为你还原神雕江湖! 古墓派、丐帮、大理段氏、白驼山庄、桃花岛、百花谷、独孤剑派,七大门派任你选,策略PK等你来! 天下五绝协助作战,百变萌宠神兽相伴,炫酷超光闯荡江湖,双剑合璧无人能挡!超多趣味玩法惊喜不停,带给你前所未有的游戏体验! 神雕侠侣,再现江湖! 行侠仗义,由你做主! 有情有义,在此相会!.....

The new content "Wuti Cui Zhen" is now available in the official version of the mobile match "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"! The new system "Wuti Cui Zhen" features golden stone forging to poweren the body and three elements of jade to refine the essence. The new matchplay in the Yunxiu Villa allows participants to explore and discover new hidden treasures. The new dungeon "Feixue Guqiao" offers new contests and rewards for participants.

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is an authentic martial arts-themed RPG mobile match, exclusively authorized by Jin Yong. The match features exquisite graphics, immersive voice acting, and a storyline adapted from the original novel. Players can choose from seven different martial arts schools to strategize and compete against each other. With the help of the "Five Excellents" and adorable pets, participants can become unstoppable in their adventures.


  1. Promoting a new version of the mobile match "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".
  2. Introducing new systems, matchplay, and dungeons to attract participants.
  3. Talllighting the match's authentic martial arts-themed RPG features and its cbe defeated adherence to the original novel.
  4. Emphasizing the participant's freedom of choice in character selection, martial arts school, and play style.

What's New in the Latest Version 3.0.1

Last updated on Nov 18, 2022

神雕侠侣全新版本来袭! 1、新系统九方幻阵登场! 2、新副本镇关奇侠上线!
  • 神雕侠侣
  • 神雕侠侣
  • 神雕侠侣
  • 神雕侠侣
  • 神雕侠侣
Copyright:The copyright of the game belongs to the game developer. If there is any infringement, please contact our email to delete this URL!
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