App Picks Apps Tools 发票盒子 2023-03-28
发票盒子 发票盒子


  • Category:Tools
  • Size:7.5 MB
  • Version:1.0
  • Views:0
Game Introduction

This article describes the features of an AI-powered platform for invoice management, which can automatically collect, classify, organize, and calculate invoices. It offers several ways to collect invoices, including email, photos, SMS, and mobile payment platforms. The platform can automatically recognize and filter out duplicate invoices. It provides smart categorization for invoices and allows users to confirm or correct its categorization. It also offers features for expense reimbursement, such as automatically calculating the reimbursement amount, generating reimbursement forms and PDFs, and exporting data to Excel. The platform also offers printing features for reimbursement forms and invoices.

Characteristics of this article include:

整发票,用盒子!借助强大的 Ai智能,让发票收集、分类、整理、计算 通通(半)自动完成!【收发票】让所有的发票都聚合在一起!还能自动识别井忽略重复发票!-电子发票:通过专用邮箱收集!-纸质发票:拍照智能识别!-短信发票:自动发现并识别!-微信/支付宝票夹:一键拉取!【智能分类】-所有发票自动帮您归类-我分不出来的类,你来确认!-我会能力进化,越分越准!【报销单】-告诉我哪些票准备报销?-我会自动统计,准确核算报销金额-帮您生成报销单、发票和小票相关PDF甚至还能导出 Excel【发票打印】-报销单所含的全部票据,自动汇总生成PDF文件-发票自动排版,提供A4拼打、A4单打等模式-报销单及发票集可直接导出,一键打印.....

  • The use of colloquial language and phrases, such as "通通" (all) and "我分不出来的类,你来确认!" (If I can't classify them, you can confirm!)
  • The use of exclamation markers and bold text to emphasize certain features
  • The use of bullet markers to list features and benefits
  • The use of technical terms, such as "AI智能" (AI intelligence) and "PDF文件" (PDF files)
  • The article's focus on the benefits of the platform for users, such as making invoice management easier and more efficient, and the automation of certain tasks

发票盒子 App 1.0 Update


本版本为抢先体验版,主要功能: 1) 为用户分配盒子邮箱,收集一切电子发票 2) 发票智能自动归类 3) 为发票添加附属单据(付款证明/水单等)

  • 发票盒子
  • 发票盒子
  • 发票盒子
  • 发票盒子
Copyright:The copyright of the game belongs to the game developer. If there is any infringement, please contact our email to delete this URL!
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